Thursday, April 22, 2010

Reasons Why

My last post may seem like loosing weight is the reason for pushing back the wedding.
Yes and No.
Yes, because it is a secondary reason for doing it.  No because it is a vain reason for doing it.
The real reasons for pushing the wedding back from 2011 to 2012 are as follows:
*Personal Financing: RL just started his job here in ATX, he doesn't feel financially stable and wants more time to get to that point.
*Relationship Length: In honesty, we hadn't known each other that well when we got engaged the first time, and we want to be together longer (though we're solid on knowing each other)
*Parents: After the debacle of 2008, my parents (and I'm sure his) had their doubts that us marrying was a good idea, the more time we are together and not racing to the alter, the better.
*Money: We don't know where the money will come from: part from us, but will my parents help? will his parents help? That is a nerve wracking conversation to have, and I dread it with all my being. We will have to have it at some point (probably at the end of this year or the summer of 2011), but putting it off as long as possible just brings my stress down.

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