Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Desserts: Wedding Pies and Red Velvet Armidillos...

Let's go back to the sweet things once again.  Now for me, as I'm struggling to beat the numbers on the scale down, I fluctuate between cravings for salty (Cedar and Sour Cream Ruffles) and sweet (ANYTHING from the Big Top Candy Shop-HELLO Chocolate Covered S'mores!).  Well in guilty pleasure trip, where I was introduced to CCSs (they are AWESOME btw) Rob and I started talking about wedding sweets (I know, stop beating a dead horse...)

That's when Rob came up with the idea of Wedding PIE. Yes, dear readers (people are reading right? hopefully?) Pie.  To rehash: Rob is not a cake fan, he barely finishes the top of Hey Cupcake! cupcakes, which are pretty good.  Though he will help me with ridiculously large pieces of Carrot cake if I chose to indulge.  Pie, especially Key Lime, he will DEVOUR, and eat what's left of my piece. No questions ask, no arms twisted.  So there will be pie. 
Rob will be choosing this pie, so if he finds a baker that can make Key Lime pie that is not neon green (apparently the real Key Lime pies look more like yellow tinted custard, who knew?), and makes a good-as-grandma-Lois's-on-par-with-New-Orleans Pecan Pie, we'll be in business.

Now on to my mother's input.
My mother is not a girly girl.  She doesn't see the need to start planning a year ahead of time AT ALL, which make my heart stop.  On the other hand she has some ideas that will happen because, well, she's kinda bank rolling the thing.  One of these ideas is the red velvet Armadillo, a la Steel Magnolias. I kid you not.  She wants to have one for Rob as a groom's cake, because, well, that's her sense of humor.  Rob's great excuse? "I don't like Steel Magnolias."  Not "I don't like red velvet cake" or "eating armadillo shaped cake just seems wrong." Leave it to Rob to go with the movie and not the practical excuse. 
My take: it's red velvet cake, and we can put cream cheese icing under the fondant? Sign me up.  It doesn't have to be big, just big enough to look good in photos.  Plus that means that the bridal cake can be ALL carrot cake-y goodness.

You don't suppose we're supposed to freeze the Armadillo head for the first anniversary do you?   

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Dessert and Cake

I've been thinking with my sweet tooth. 
Rob doesn't LOVE cake.  He barely eats it to be honest. He likes rum cake and tres leches, but neither of those really work well in a cake (maybe Rum will).  So, in light of that, I have had a great idea.  This will hopefully also cut down on cost in the long run (I hope).