Thursday, June 24, 2010

Spring Cleaning

There are several things that I have to confess today. I am ADDICTED to the published word. Absolutely, totally, and unabashedly addicted to it. I started collecting magazines as soon as I started getting an allowance. First it was Seventeen, Teen People, and the occasional sneaked Cosmo. Then it became Cosmo, Vogue, People, and Wedding Magazines, ANY Wedding Magazine.  I also picked up any magazine that had an interesting cover story or editorial that intrigued me.
I realized nearing my first move from home to college that if I kept EVERY magazine, I would be toting along a literal TON of glossy paper with me everywhere.  So with that I shed all of my teen magazines, convincing myself that at the ripe old age of 18, I had out grown them and it was time to move on to "adult" reading material. Well, that was all well and good till I was in college and there was no one regulating what I kept besides myself, and the confines of my half of my tiny dorm room. From this was born the "keeping it" filing system. This was established somewhere between the end of freshmen year and the end of my first sophomore semester.
The system is that when a predetermined container was full, I would go through it and take everything out of the magazines that I "needed" and throw the rest of them away. I've done this probably a dozen times in the last 7 or 8 years, and it has actually kept me in the respectable range of  5 or 6 books kept, and one VERY full folder of ideas. I finished this process again a few days ago, and honestly I need a way to better organize the articles I did keep.
All of the articles are bridal, mind you, I don't hold on to People more than a week, and I stopped buying the others because Cosmo is really a lot of the same articles each month, and I haven't really been enticed by any others lately.  Plus I don't see a reason for keeping articles from the other magazines. Anyway, I need a better way to organize these articles and ideas I did keep, and I need to go through my keep pile again and analyze why I kept them.  It sounds like a project that will take a while (and glue) but I'm excited that with this new endeavor I'll have a clearer, more visual picture of where I want to go.
So no real news after that, except that I think we've found save the dates. Check them out at Favors You Keep click on Austin couple or Austin skyline to see the two options we like (there will be a pop-up). I don't think that they're formal enough, because the Save the Dates are supposed to "set the tone" but I think that it will be something fun, and will stick out for people. Honestly I like them, and think that they're a fun addition. I don't think we're going to go black tie formal because that's not us. Fun touches are us though, I think they'll work. That's one thing off the list. *phew*
